There are Multiple Benefits to Visiting our Fort Lauderdale Family Dentist Office
What is the importance of a Fort Lauderdale family dentist? There are many ways to answer this question, but perhaps the best way is to pose another question: “Why not have a family dentist?” A family dentist is someone who provides services to the entire family, creating a number of intrinsic benefits common to many service providers who service an entire family. From a dentist point of view, it is even more beneficial when you take into consideration how many people suffer from dental anxiety. We strongly encourage our families to take advantage of the fact that we are a family dentist and to come in together, whenever possible, for routine maintenance and cleaning. What the families who do this have discovered is that when they make it a family habit to visit us, the entire family stays healthier and they have an overall improvement in their oral health and hygiene. In addition, kids learn very young to trust and rely on the family dentist for any dental health needs they may have, much the same way as families have learned to rely on the family general practitioner. As the familiarity between us and your family improves, so too will that critical trust factor, which is something family dentists rely on very heavily.
Consider it from a child's perspective for a second. Coming to a medical service center of any type is something naturally scary for a child. There are unfamiliar surroundings, strange sounds and smells, and the innate fear of the unknown. When, however, you add in the smiling face of a trusted family practitioner in the form of your Fort Lauderdale family dentist, much of that anxiety dissipates. Since the child has previously seen this person as a friend and someone who treats Mom or Dad, they are no longer as concerned about the procedures or what goes on in the chair. Additionally, we have discovered that parents who make it a habit to come in with their children are also more inclined to trust the dentist and have their own oral health needs taken care of.
Besides the ability to build trust with the family, there are other very tangible benefits for a family who sees a family dentist. The first among these is the ability to save time. When you have different services providers for different members of the family, you will find yourself juggling schedules and driving from place to place to ensure everyone is getting what they need. On the other hand, when the entire family sees the same Fort Lauderdale family dentist, we are able to provide you with all the services under one roof. For general services from fillings to extractions and from cleanings to x-rays, we are able to offer all of that in the clinic, so you do not have to go anywhere else. In a the same vein, families do not want to be juggling schedules, so we have a booking system that allows you to book each other's appointments in congruence or relationship with each other. This way, when you and the family come in to see the family dentist, all your bases are covered at the same time.
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